With the new technologies all around us, it is sometimes hard to know what your business needs and what is actually unnecessary. The newest gadget in the business area is the iPad. This gadget has all the functions of a smartphone and computer in one. But is it really that useful? Were about to find out!
What makes an iPad different exactly? Let’s start by comparing it with a small laptop. Everything is on it and because of its size and shape it is the easiest way to read reports, papers, articles or magazines on the go. You can twist and turn it and the screen will turn in the same direction. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about the fact that it is a wonderful asset to have in meetings. It is personal, fast, intuitive and easy to use. Next to that, you can zoom in by using your hands, zoom out on the same way and go to next page. It keeps it interesting for you and is sure to impress clients.
But will the iPad change the way we know marketing right now? No, I don’t think so. The iPad is excellent when looking at how it can support businesses but the only way it will impact marketing is as another device we need to design sites and applications for. The major issue here is the way websites are build these days. They are not all accessible on the iPad. Flash sites in particular are not supported by iPads or iPhones and not likely to ever be according to Steve Jobs’ recent comments. However, where there’s a will there’s always a way. Remember back in the day when we had the same problem with mobiles not being able to access the internet? No sites were accessible for mobile users but these days, that problem is solved.
The potential for branded apps is huge, as demonstrated by the iPhone app explosion. However, with iPads the size alone enables you to design richer brand experiences.The potential for social media marketing is also huge as these apps are making social media more integrated and more personal. It will be the brands that leverage this knowledge and design ways to speak to consumers across channels, platforms and mediums that will truly benefit.
I doubt this will surpass the business value of the PC where writing lengthy briefs is much, much easier. And then there’s design! Imagine designing artwork for a client on an iPad… it would drive you crazy!
So in the end, the iPad can mean something for your business, but it will not change the way we do business dramatically. It is just a step closer to the future and who knows maybe in a few years, the way of marketing might change. Might? Well, we know that for sure.